Looking for a Hollywood smile makeover? Well, we offer Composite Porcelain Veneers and Composite Edge Bonding for patients across Blackburn & Darwen…
Composite Bonding is where a tooth-coloured resin composite is sculpted and bonded to the tooth. It is a minimally invasive, cost-effective technique and can be completed in as little as one appointment.
Composite Bonding has many advantages when compared to traditional ceramic restorations, including:
- Less destructive to the tooth
- Often does not need drilling or injections
- More affordable
- Easier to repair
To book your consultation with one of our Composite Bonding specialists, call Darwenside Dental Practice on 01254 703020.
Can I have Composite Bonding?
What is the procedure?
Does Composite Bonding hurt?
How long does it last?
How do I look after my composite bonding?
Your dentist will perform a light preparation of the teeth as necessary and record a mould to send to our trusted dental laboratory who will then create the porcelain veneer for a precise fit. We will also discuss and show you the range of shades available to help you achieve your desired smile. At your following appointment after confirming you are happy with the veneers; we will bond them to your teeth using an orally compatible adhesive.
Porcelain veneers can be a simple way to correct the appearance of front teeth to create a natural-looking smile. They can be an aesthetic solution for chipping, staining, cracked teeth or mild misalignment, with minimum adjustment to existing teeth using a thin porcelain facing.
There should be no excessive sensitivity following the procedure and you will be able to eat, drink and function immediately after the final appointment. It may take a few days to adjust to the feeling of your new smile but the aesthetic results achieved are instant.
To find out more and if you are suitable, book a consultation with our Composite Bonding specialist, and get a 3D scan in preparation for the Composite Veneers.
Want to book a consultation for Composite Bonding?
For more information on Composite Bonding or any other of our dental treatments, please contact the Darwenside team.