Should I Floss?

Should I Floss?

Should I floss?  Flossing is something that most of us have heard about. Some of us do it regularly, some a little and the rest not at all. There have been some reports that say flossing makes no difference and is not effective, but in actual fact, this is misleading...

Darwen Tower Restoration Fund

Darwen Tower Restoration Fund

Restoration Fund DARWEN is rallying round a fund for the renovation of its historic tower which has stood sentinel over the town for 120 years. Darwenside Dental Practice in Union Street is leading the way, promoting the tower repair fund both online and in the...

Are baby teeth important?

Are baby teeth important?

‘It’s ok to not look after my child’s teeth. They have another set!’ How many times have we heard this said by a parent when it comes to looking after their child’s teeth? Many parents and adults are still under the misconception that a child’s ‘baby teeth’ aren’t...

Tooth Whitening Wedding Packages

Tooth Whitening Wedding Packages

Our Tooth Whitening Wedding Packages You’ve carefully chosen what to wear, the flowers and the venue. You’ve spent countless hours making everything perfect! But have you thought about how your smile will look on the photographs? Due to popular demand, Darwenside...

Feeling confident about your smile

Feeling confident about your smile

Smile! Smiling makes us feel happy. It makes us feel more confident and overall just good about ourselves. Not only does smiling makes ourselves feel good, but it also has a positive effect on people around us too. Feeling confident about your smile Whatever it is you...

Baby Teeth: How to look after your baby’s oral health

Baby Teeth: How to look after your baby’s oral health

‘Are the baby teeth coming through yet?’ It’s one of the most common questions a new parent will get. However, we imagine it’s not often that you’re asked, ‘which toothbrush or toothpaste are you using on your baby’s teeth?’ Well, it’s not a very common question to be...

Can pregnancy affect your oral health?

Can pregnancy affect your oral health?

Can pregnancy affect your oral health? Are you pregnant and having problems with bleeding or puffy looking gums? Have you ever considered whether pregnancy can have an effect on your oral health? Well, we’re here to tell you that this is a common problem in pregnancy...

Can I have dental implants?

Can I have dental implants?

What are dental implants?  There are lots of adverts on social media and in your dental practice offering dental implants as a way of replacing your missing teeth. It sounds like a brilliant idea, especially if you have had a crown and bridgework in the past, as...
