Should I Floss?

Should I Floss?

Should I floss?  Flossing is something that most of us have heard about. Some of us do it regularly, some a little and the rest not at all. There have been some reports that say flossing makes no difference and is not effective, but in actual fact, this is misleading...
Darwen Tower Restoration Fund

Darwen Tower Restoration Fund

Restoration Fund DARWEN is rallying round a fund for the renovation of its historic tower which has stood sentinel over the town for 120 years. Darwenside Dental Practice in Union Street is leading the way, promoting the tower repair fund both online and in the...
Are baby teeth important?

Are baby teeth important?

‘It’s ok to not look after my child’s teeth. They have another set!’ How many times have we heard this said by a parent when it comes to looking after their child’s teeth? Many parents and adults are still under the misconception that a child’s ‘baby teeth’ aren’t...