Baby Teeth: How to look after your baby’s oral health

Baby Teeth: How to look after your baby’s oral health

‘Are the baby teeth coming through yet?’ It’s one of the most common questions a new parent will get. However, we imagine it’s not often that you’re asked, ‘which toothbrush or toothpaste are you using on your baby’s teeth?’ Well, it’s not a very common question to be...
Can pregnancy affect your oral health?

Can pregnancy affect your oral health?

Can pregnancy affect your oral health? Are you pregnant and having problems with bleeding or puffy looking gums? Have you ever considered whether pregnancy can have an effect on your oral health? Well, we’re here to tell you that this is a common problem in pregnancy...
A School Trip to Darwenside Dental Practice

A School Trip to Darwenside Dental Practice

The School Trip  A few months back we were thrilled to welcome St James’ CE Primary Academy into Darwenside Dental Practice. At school, they were learning about teeth and in order to get a greater understanding of oral hygiene their teacher, who has contacts...